21 by maelito | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hacker News loves talking about the state of startups in France [1], and the particularities of our social security system [2]. There is no official answer in English on the Web to the question "how to start a company in France", so we've built a website to guide you through it with as little headache as possible. https://ift.tt/2ErYqVf It's open-source software [3] built inside the French public startup incubator, beta.gouv.fr. For those interested : does it convey most of the information you need ? What's missing ? It's the first iteration, and we're planning many new features. [1]: Startup nation ? https://ift.tt/2NFSigg [2]: The French healtcare and pay as you go pension systems are also regularly discussed e.g. https://ift.tt/2fHzsD3 [3]: Source: https://ift.tt/2RXuPW6
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