Saturday, November 30, 2019
New top story on Hacker News: EU antitrust regulators say they are investigating Google's data collection
New top story on Hacker News: Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors (2004)
Friday, November 29, 2019
New top story on Hacker News: Tracking down the true origin of a font used in many games and shareware titles
New top story on Hacker News: Google AdWords charged me for clicks in Istanbul while location-targeting the US
New top story on Hacker News: React in concurrent mode: 2000 state-connected comps re-rendered at 60FPS
Thursday, November 28, 2019
New top story on Hacker News: Some scientists are serious about resurrecting zeppelins for low-carbon travel
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What are you thankful for?
Ask HN: What are you thankful for?
4 by japhyr | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I think this gets asked most years, and I always enjoy the threads that come out of it. I am thankful for a family that I enjoy spending the holidays with. I am thankful that I had a safe childhood and got a good education throughout my life. I am also thankful for the HN community....
New top story on Hacker News: Corals that could survive climate change and help save the world’s reefs
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What should be taught in high school?
Ask HN: What should be taught in high school?
6 by NiloCK | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I'm an educator with a CS / programming background. There's a possibility that I'll be moving into the 'Information and Communications Technology' role next year at my medium sized high school (grades 9-12, ~700 students, diverse student population). My jurisdiction's...