Imagine how useful it would be if your company's end users actually understood the IT department and a little bit of computer science. Here are 10 ideas for making that happen.
from Articles on TechRepublic
Imagine how useful it would be if your company's end users actually understood the IT department and a little bit of computer science. Here are 10 ideas for making that happen.
from Tech And Work on TechRepublic
Ask HN: Best Lisp for software development?
22 by foobar123321 | 10 comments on Hacker News. Hi HNers, I've built a lot of software in Python and Ruby over the years and recently, I've become interested in Lisp but am unsure which Lisp/Scheme variant to learn for building production grade software. Ideally, I would like to learn the most modern one i.e. robust package management, tooling, ecosystem, etc. Really the main requirement is that I would like to be able to build production ready software with a Lisp that I can use at and for my company. I've looked into Clojure and like a lot about it, but don't want to have to dig into the Java world. Is there any alternative out there? Any suggestions are appreciated :)